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Out of Funding

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Capitalize on funding NOW

In the building controls industry, large Siemens Apogee sites that require upgrading often get put on the backburner. There are several reasons for this and amongst the most important are

    •Funding constraints
    •Time constraints
    •The contractor has limited resources which is a constraint where funding needs to be expended by a specific deadline
    •Disruption of business operations

In situations where government funding is available specifically for indoor air quality, this is a great opportunity for the Building Automation sector to make the most of these neglected buildings. However, the deadlines might mean that you don’t have adequate time in which to deliver your services. What do you do in these situations, where funding is available, but there is not enough time to capitalize on it?

BACnetP2 is Your Answer.

With BACnetP2 there is no Apogee system downtime. This seamless integration means that the upgrade does not need to wait until it is a convenient time to bring the Apogee system offline. This speeds the integration process up substantially. For example, this can be seen in our Hong Kong case study, where BACnetP2 was installed at a university without any disruption to the students. Click here for our Case Studies

When using BACnetP2 to upgrade, there is only one site visit required. Consider upgrading a whole school system spread across a county, traditionally each school would require multiple site visits, and thus the timeframe of the integration would be significantly drawn out. With BACnetP2, there is only a fraction of the time required to integrate with the whole system.

Another aspect that drives value is the minimal onsite time. The time spent on each onsite visit is significantly less than with traditional integrations. You can install the gateway and front end onsite and then do the engineering remotely.

BACnetP2 Gives You the Advantage of Time and Value.

With the advantages that our integration solution brings, you can focus on completing more projects rapidly, while funding is available. Make the most out of funding that is only available for a limited time by securing the site quickly. After getting your foot in the door by acquiring the site, you have the option of taking a phased approach to upgrading the site as more funds become available. Using BACnetP2 captures large, valuable sites.

Helpful info

See our pricing page for more information about getting insight reports. We need the insight reports in order to give you a quote. Once you have the reports, you can also analyse the system profile report yourself to get a budget price. Click here for our System Profile Report analysis tool

Learn more about the capabilities of BACnetP2 click here